That's where I have been, both figuratively & literally. A couple of weeks ago a friend called on a rainy Sunday afternoon & suggested a walk. I was up for that. So off to the park we went. Started out on the concrete path but then ventured off into the woods in the rain on wet, muddy clay. Had a slight mishap (called hitting slick clay & almost tumbling into the creek but a dead tree stopped the fast downhill slide). No injures but lots of laughs. And through the woods we trekked awhile longer. Walking barefoot on a rainy day is wonderful & really grounds you to Mother Earth. Sliding down an embankment, however, bruises your pride somewhat. But it makes for the best story!!
I let a comment made by a facebook "friend" derail my Reiki practicing. Someone I do not know personally, just a page I used to follow, made a very negative comment about my being a Reiki I Practioner & what that did not allow me to do & how little it allowed me to do in the way of practicing Reiki. Basically she told me I could heal fruit but to stay away from people & that it would be a long time before I could use energy on others. Suffice to say, it wounded me but most importantly it started a fearful dialogue in my head (Crap). So, I got scared to practice on anyone but myself (I stayed away from fruit also since my mission is to harm none). Stayed away from my Reiki Circle for awhile. But, Monday night I went to Healing Circle. My Reiki Master/Teacher/Mentor/Friend encouraged me to give Reiki to another practioner who unbeknownst to me at the time is a Reiki Master (Crap). It was a very good experience, but had I known my "subject's" level of expertise I would have run for the door. While I did not feel ready to take Reiki II on Saturday, I do feel more confident & I am back on track with my former enthusiasim for healing. I know now that the "comments" were just old crap coming up that I needed to deal with, acknowledge, & move past so that I can continue my Journey toward healing. So, from this point forward I will be sharing Reiki with others at Open House, my personal life, Healing Circle, & any other time I can. Sorry, fruit of the world but I am gonna share the energy with others.
Meditating every day now, usually twice a day. On a 40 day challenge right now that ends on 11/11/11. Should be a powerful day. Expecting a shift in the Universe. Thousands around the world are participating & the mantra is so powerful.
Just finished reading "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman. Truly life changing & has complimented my Journey so much. Gave me a lot to think about, reflect on, & put into practice. I cannot heal the world without healing myself, but by healing myself I can heal my world.
I have a story to tell. My story can help others. It is time to get back to my writing on a regular basis (all the messages that come to me through my own meditation, my guides, from others, & through card readings keep telling me to get back to creating). Everyday I need to carve out time to write. A few minutes or a few hours. The book may never be published except by me. No one may read it but my friends & family but it will be there for them to read, to understand my Life, to witness the Journey, & to better understand my Path. Perhaps, just perhaps it will fall into the hands of someone who needs to hear my story & perhaps, just perhaps it will make a difference in someone else's life.
Since I was in college I have had very long hair. At times down to my butt. Always middle of my back at least. Always wore it down or in braids. My hair was always something that I liked about myself. I clung to that long hair with all my might. Rarely let anyone cut it more that just a slight trim. So afraid they would lop it off. Like Samson, my strength was in my hair. Actually, I hid behind my hair. People would comment on it, see it therefore I did not have to show them me. Then last year I wanted a change. First I cut it several inches but it was still longer. Then I changed the style, several times. Had a keriton treatment so that my natural curl would stay straightened, then I went shorter & back to curls. Then I went shorter still. Now it is SHORT (about 2 inches all over). Funny, the more I cut my hair the more free I became. I became more me. The more I want to let others see ME!! I got nothin' to hide behind now. I am FREE!! It is amazing how that symbolic gesture gave me such an exhilerating feeling.
Peace, freedom to be completely myself, contentment, confidence in my Path, acceptance of my Journey have been hard-won for me. But all pretense is now gone in my life. I have nothing to prove to anyone. I have only to be true to myself, true to my Journey. It is ok to be me. Everyone may not agree with my beliefs, my views, or who I am but my true friends love me & accept me as I stand before them. They may not understand it all, they may not completely understand me but they accept me & they love me unconditionally. Being authentic is the best gift I can give them. By being authentic I love them, accept them, & honor them just as they are even though I may not totally understand their views & beliefs.
We are each on our own Journey, following the Path that we believe is right for us. No one can take that from us, no one can detour us off the road without our permission. Be true to your Journey, find your Path & walk it with integrity, peace, acceptance, & love for all living beings. I choose to live by this premise - Harm None!! Every day I remind myself of this. It helps me choose my words, apologize when I fail, & approach everyone with whom I come in contact with Love, Kindness, & Blessings.
I am grateful for all that has been shown to me so far. I thank the Universe for the Enlightenment I have achieved, & I look forward to the next step.
~~blessed be...
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